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If you were given a time card from the day you were born, and it told you how long you had to live, and it was precise to the exact day, how would you live your life, whether it was 50 years or 100 years, would you do anything different?

TonyCarl1 6 Mar 30

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Some of it but not all.


Nope, all been according to plan!


For me knowing the exact day and time i would die, might get me do something that i never thought was impossible, what if i robbed a bank, and got away with it, but gave the someone or something because i knew i wouldnt be around suffer the consequences, what if, i did something that i wouldnt do because it was too dangerous, what if my wife was a jealous woman and told me if i ever cheated on her, she would cut off my manhood....see where i am going with this, knowing could change everything....What do you think?


I'd just feel even more shitty about myself for still fucking things up


interesting question! the only difference for me now is planning retirement. If I'll be dead in two years I would quite my job and travel. If I have another 50 to live I guess i have to do some additional financial planning! It would make things so much easier if you just knew.


Thats an amazing question 🙂. If I only had 50 years I would make more friends and go out more and enjoy life till the last week of my life then start freaking out about because im going to die soon. If I only had 100 years I would not care anymore and live like I do now .


I think it would give me anxiety.

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