I don't know who this is.
I just think the April Fools joke should be about his hair.
Look him up on youtube, and observe him in action ...
F hate him . I went on a date once back on 2010 w a guy I thought I might like . During dinner he informed me of how he gets inspired by this f guy . I smiled for rest of dinner , paid for all , and got out of there . When I saw him again in my class I told him clearly y this won't work for me .
He told me that I have a " closed mind ". I told him , no Doug , I have a mind .
The sad irony is that Osteen is relatively tame compared to some of the televangelists. He doesn't speak in tongues or push faith healing. He's too cowardly to embrace the LGBTQ community but he soft-peddles the gay-phobia at least. He runs his church like many corporations -- it's a soulless machine designed to part you from your money, but attempts at least the appearance of not grifting.
I think the reason he's so easy to hate is his shit-eating grin and his $10.5 million mansion and his unwillingness to sully his church's nice carpets with flood refugees. But you have to admit he compares well to Oral Roberts, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert, Pat Robertson. I know that's a low bar, but ... just in the grooming department alone he's not as weird as most.
Lipstick on a pig, I know.
I just know he causes nausea every time I see him ...
I like to keep tabs on the things I hate so I'll do stuff like watch Fox News to see with what they're poisoning people's minds or listen to Rush Limbaugh in my car. When I had satellite radio, I used to listen to the Joel Osteen channel. It was incredible hearing all that upbeat, braindead, horseshit coming outta his mouth to the approval of the thousands of people I could hear in the background. It gave me a mental image of Osteen going from person to person in his mega church and jacking them off with one hand while reaching for their wallet with the other.
I'm surprised by how many people know him. I had no idea who he was until I just googled him.
@Athena He's an especially gifted snake-oil salesman who preaches a non-existant version of the bible that proclaims everyone is a deeply special, and beautiful, and favored masterpiece of god who wants nothing more than to bless his special little masterpieces with unlimited blessings if they just believe and pray and ask for his help.
His message is so warm, fuzzy, and upbeat that his flock will and do rain down cash to support his church so he can keep telling them how beautiful and beloved they are to god.
His sermons are designed to make his followers feel like they're a part of something special that only they are lucky enough to be a part of and they pay through the nose to hear it.
Aha.. the human snake.
In familiar - thank you.
Another piece of shit human being doing nothing for the poor EVER!!!
My cousin is almost homeless, and is seeking out how to buy Christian books, lessons, etc., since the old Christian bookstore closed. It drives me absolutely nuts. You have people out there with mental problems who are dirt poor throwing what little they have at a$$holes like Osteen. And he always has that stupid smirk on his face. He knows exactly what he's doing.
yeah, I'd like to stick his prosperity gospel right up his ass!!!
Who is he?
A popular televangelist/con man here in the U.S.
some crazy religious TV star guy. I learned about him last year. He has so much $ is unbelievable. He probably is an atheist and takes advantage of believers. I can't think of him believing on any of what he preaches.
Joel Osteen is his name
@Zoohome Thanks for the info....never heard or seen him...I’m glad to say!
@Marionville I got sick of my stomach when I learned about him. Like @wangobango3 said, he is a charlatan. I am glad you are far away from this.
@Zoohome I’m pleased to say we have no televangelists on British TV.