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Just venting!
I made the hugest mistake deleting my 2 years old level 5 profile and now I'm back as a level 1.
I have learned that besides all the intellectual people that are present in our community we are all humans at the end and the level of (apparent) intelligence it doesn't make you instantly a caring person. It doesn't matter how old you are either. It's a long way of being hit and learn with mistakes before you can achieve wisdom to realize that everyone else lives and feelings matter.
I hope you all get what you are looking for in here and from now one I'm not deleting my profile anymore I'll start blocking people only.
Be nice to one another!

Ninanah 5 Apr 2

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Welcome back


If you Message SiteSupport she may be able to retrieve your account for you.

Welcome back.

I'm not interested. I'm gonna keep low profile now


Thank you for all the insights I'll be keeping all of them in mind!


Welcome back.

Be aware that blocking people only makes us live in a homogeneous bubble, an echo chamber of our own cognitive bias.

I think it's better to just ignore people who upset us. The Internet can be mean. Just have a thick skin. Don't take any of this stuff too seriously. 😉

I've never been in a community with so many intellectual people like this one and sometimes I feel lost. I see the same "superior look" that we can find in any ordinary forum. I really expected more of the "freethinkers" and intelligent people of here.

@ProudMerrie That's true!

@ProudMerrie Yup I learned!

Mean has no place in my life.
I wouldn't put up with it in person - I won't put up with it here either.

Difference of opinion is another matter entirely. I can disagree in a very civil manner.

I like hearing alternate viewpoints.

I don't like arseholes. Huge difference.


Welcome back. Have some points.

Thank you!

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