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I am just curious are there many followers of Bill Maher on here, and is he a leader in his thinking of this community. I for one, believe he has hit the nail on the head, with his beliefs about religion and pot, etc.

TonyCarl1 6 Apr 2

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Bill Maher is a Libertarian not a Liberal.

He dates Ann Coulter, She is one of the worst humans ever.

I didn't know that. I didn't care for him because he's anti-vax and arrogant. He just fell almost to the level of a Trump appointee as far as being a shitty person.

He used to date Ann. They are no longer a couple.


I like Bill Maher, but I don't see him, or anyone else, as any kind of "leader" of
this community, or any other.
I agree with a lot of what he has to say, but I don't need to be led, by anyone.

@Lutherzme I don't think he'd consider himself a leader either. I think he'd be more likely to tell anyone who tried to get him to lead to "get the fuck outta here with that shit".


I don’t like his Islamophobia and his constant apologia for it.
Other than that, he’s funny.


He's also an anti-vaxxer which in my opinion excludes him as a leader. He may be a cannabis advocate, and I was impressed and amused with Religulous, but his stance on vaccines means to me that he's not leader material.

JimG Level 8 Apr 2, 2019

I think the guy is brilliant. I agree with probably 95% of what he says.


I like Maher. I think he is sometimes a bit smug, and a tad arrogant, however, he tells it like he sees it; and the majority of the time, like Carlin, he sees it pretty clearly, imho.

I also really respect that he is open to have anyone with opposing viewpoints on as a guest; Steve Bannon comes to mind.

He is often very conservative in his questioning those opposing views, he learned what he could question and what not to by the losing politically incorrect show. Overall I like him, I think his heart is in the right place and he is doing what he thinks is best but he isn't as brave as Carlin was. He likes is money more than that.


I like most of his work but I’m not his fan... Jon Stewart is my fave in that field


Religulous was his creation and that gives him a special place among our community, he's also funny and very popular among pot heads too, his position against islam particularly has enraged many liberals, but overall his fame and popularity are well deserved.


I like him. I like humor with my religion and politics.


I have been a huge fan of his since his Politically Incorrect days and I don't always agree with him. In fact I am not sure if I even like him but he has given me much food for thought through out the years.


used to be a fan but his defense of israel regardless of the atrocities against the palestinians has turned me off.
i realize that his livelihood probably depends on the support of powerful hollywood/media jews but lost all respect for him.

you are on point!


Heres the way I look at Bill Maher, hes not afraid to look his guests on his show in the eye, and if necessary tell them they are full of shit, and he stands by his convictions. He gets his facts right, and catches his guests when they are stating incorrect facts. Hes not perfect, but he is a ballsy guy


Yes! Big fan.


I've never missed an episode of Real Time, seen most of his interviews, Religulous, and stand up specials. I don't think he's that funny as a comedian, but love his commentary on religion and most other topics. As you said, he hits the nail on the head.


I'm a fan, even on the occasion he gets full of himself.

godef Level 7 Apr 2, 2019

I love Bill Maher. He and I see eye to eye on many topics.


I enjoy his show and his comedy specials on HBO. His point of view is always interesting even when I don't agree, which isn't often.


I love Bill Maher. He’s hilarious and he makes fun of a lot of people religion politics etc. He’ll be having a field day with the dems here and the hodge podge of people running. But he’s also having too much fun with the republicans. I pick and choose what I like with any comedian. We just need Jon Stewart back period!


He is a big gas bag , very comfortable and smug with a largely condescending tone. I thought he was funny as people like to say "for a minute".


I am a fan...but on the pot issue, I take a different view. Most of the time I line up with him.

I agree with you...


maher lost me with his blind devotion to Hillary over Bernie 4 years ago. It smacked of cronyism (sp).

He was a Bernie supporter early on. Went for Hillary after she got nomination.



I like Maher, but as other friends posted, some things I don't like. He is not a leader but he's funny, irreverent.


I like Bill. I don't always agree with him, but I still like him and try to never miss his show on Friday nights. He is 100% correct on Cannabis and trump!!!!


I like Maher.. but I realise he is a comedian. The spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down. I don't agree with everything he says. If hr says something I don't agree with (his comic book rants, for example) I don't get all worked up about it. I disagree, dismiss it, and wait for the next joke.


he is good


I agree with about 85% of what he says. Love watching his shows and comedies.

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