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Attorney General Barr is holding onto to the Mueller Report on the auspice of redacting the mention of any innocents. Problem is, in Trump's sphere of influence there is no such thing as an innocent individual. Given Trump's proclivities and natural leanings, everybody close to Trump is guilty of something. He consorts with criminals because they understand one another so well.

t1nick 8 Apr 3

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Barr is a paid political appointee. His title is irrelevant. He's already brought
dishonor and scandal to the AG's office.
He's a political hack, hired by 45 for no other purpose than to insulate him (45),
as much as possible, from having to face the consequences of his actions.


i was gonna comment on the new title but others beat me to it lol. i am frustrated right now because i can't tell (i can't read the nyt) whether the leak is of actual report content or just a leak of comments by some team members. either way a leak is good but i suspect the latter and crave the former.


The truth is going to come out one way or the other I think.

Nick Ackerman said in an interview tonight that he knows exactly how Mueller's people feel because he remembers going home after Archibald Cox was fired, secreting copies of the report in his clothing, fully intending to go public with it if necessary. You can bet that even at the cost of their own credibility and honor, someone will leak the report at some point. That's what ended up happening with the Pentagon Papers, too, remember?

@mordant i saw that tonight too, and yep, i remember!



AG Barr ty mitch u bitch


He's not the Chief Justice, he's the Attorney General, and I agree with you, he is trying to protect trump and his underlings from justice!!!!

Opps your right. My error. I actually knew that. My slip up.


@KONABEAR777 you are correct it should you're. Typing on phone and autocorrect isnt always right or getd caught.

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