I do not grasp the significance of gender or it's defining of one's sense of self. I never have.
I don't believe it's because I am cis gendered either.
My genitals have absolutely no bearing on who I am as a person. I place zero part of who I am in what's in my pants. If I were to wake up tomorrow with a penis I would still be the exact same person I am right now, albeit I'd enjoy the helicopter thing and peeing standing up, but I would not care one way or another. It has zero significance over who I am.
Just as losing my ability to procreate has not made me feel less of a woman, magically sprouting a dick wouldn't either. But for most of society, they do. Before my surgery I heard and read and was warned about all these women who went through this terrible depression and sense of loss and felt like they were no longer a woman just because they couldn't bear children.
Why does society put so much emphasis of our sense of selves in our genitals and how well they work? I can't turn on the radio for 5 minutes without 30 Male enhancement commercials, either.
If who you are revolves around your genitals, what does that make you?
I'm not actually criticizing anyone for it that sounded like I was. I just fail to understand why it matters so much.
Can someone explain it to me in a way that makes sense to me? I've tried asking on Facebook and it's just "it's just a feeling" but why? Why do you feel this way?
I'm 100% for trans and LGBT and all of that. 100% ally. But help me understand why you need to change your genitals to feel more like your gender when your gender, or in cis gender cases why they are important to you. I'm wondering if my asexuality has something to do with why I can't grasp it
I think the question is why do we treat people one way, or another, based on their apparent genitalia. If a person presents as a woman, we treat that person one way, using a particular pronoun. If they present as male, we treat them another way, another pronoun.
We are finally getting to a place where women who prefer to present as male are accepted, same goes for men. We are also beginning to discuss WHY we treat people differently, not for who they are, but for their appearance and the assumptions that we make based on what we see.
This isn't the full answer either as I am not addressing a persons sexuality, just how their appearance, how they choose to be seen, affects their life because of our assumptions based on what we perceive.
Gender, as with race or culture only describes what we are, not who we are. It is significant but not defining. How much so depends on the individual and sometimes the group.
I am a man, that is part of me, I can no less disown that as any other part of me. Men and women are different, they think and act differently. They navigate differently and solve problems differently. One gender is no superior to the other, the average IQ of both is just the same.
Yet women, when given equality of opportunity will often tend to graduate towards the caring professions and social sciences. Whilst more men are to be found in stem subjects. That does not mean that there are not excellent people of both genders in these fields Its just a probability curve. If I were to stop a random persons on the street. I may find 40% of aggressive people are female. If I were to look for highly aggressive people the % will drop down to single figures.
As for genitals etc. I can only speak as a man. I have never had a period and cannot conceive what its like to be a woman. I can only say this. Part of the culture of native americans is for a man to go on a spiritual quest. Woman do not do so, for it is believed that the givers of life are already there.