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Do you date traditionally?

ShellyBean 6 Mar 4

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I generally pay, so , I suppose that’s traditional.


I think we need a definition of Traditionally


I KNOW....'traditional is face to face"......."untraditional is 69 ing"???


I don't do much of anything traditionally.


What is traditional dating?

Ha, what is dating?

NO KIDDING...WHAT PLANET ARE WE ON??? Dating???? Try to figure out a woman, might as well put your head in a guillotine!!!

@FlyingEagle1952 I can't understand why you're single! ????


I don't date traditionally or non traditionally


I'm worn our on dating. There's a bunch of bible thumpers where I live. They usually wait until after dinner to tell me they won't date an atheist!! Hahah

Oh no! There goes my plan to move to Washington.

Haha!! I live on the red side of the state. The other is a little better 🙂


Not in the sense that I actually date.

JimG Level 8 Mar 4, 2018

Hm..good question. Yes and no.

I do often do the "grab a bite to eat and get to know eachother' Yada Yada


I don't date traditionally. My wife would not approve! HAHA!

If it’s traditional ... you should be able to bring your wife along!


Probably not since I’m not very traditional with things. Ice cream, book store, farmers market, dessert, lunch. If you’re asking if I spend a lot of money, no I don’t. And if she is only impressed by money, she’s not my kind of woman.

CS60 Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

I don't let them tie me up and spank me until at least the third date. I have to get to know (and trust) them first.

Hope that answers your question. 😀

I watched a documentary on the life of Bloomingdale, the guy who started the store. OMG....what a sick puppy!!! What a sicko. I' ve never been into that stuff myself. I guess I'm boring....old fashion. He was married and paying whores to let him whip them and paid this other social lite to watch him. do it. Wow, what a sick dog. I hate to say it, the guy was ugly too...,.his face looked my asshole!!!!

@FlyingEagle1952 FlyingEagle. There are tons of mental health experts who would strongly disagree with your OPINION that people who are into kink and have fetishes are "sick dogs."

There are also many people on who are into kink, role playing, fetishes, BDSM, etc. who might not appreciate the "sick dog" label. Not sure, just a hunch I have.

Yes, there are many people who employ sex workers (what you call "whores" ) to help them experience that which gives them tremendous sexual satisfaction.

I believe that what happens between two consenting human adults can be as wild, funky, kinky and crazy as they like.

@flyingeagle1952 Glad to know you dislike adventure. Personally, "normal" sex is quite boring to have every single day. I like spice in my life, and (almost) anything between two consenting adults is okay with me. There are some kinks that while I may not do under any circumstances, is perfectly okay if all partners agree.

wow.....I guess I'll have to go out and buy some whips and chains now!!!! Bloomingdale started to beat the crap out his model friend too.....after Bloomingdale died, some gay guy took a baseball bat and beat her to death. She was a pretty good looking babe too. Bloomingdale wasn't a "sick dog"....sorry about that.....But one thing for sure, he was ugly as shit!!! geez.....


i gave up on dating, too many religious nut jobs in my area

In the words of the Lord, no matter how good you are .... you deserve to burn in the LAKE OF FIRE.....FOREVER AND EVER!!! I actually read that once in a church pamphlet!! No kidding.....I found it laying on the ground outside a gym, I kept in my pocket for years until it fell apart!!! Just to have a laugh. I don't wanna have anything to do with the "GOD" in the Bible. They made a big ta-due about the Rev Billy Grahm.......what a fake asshole. 50 years ago he was worth 23 million dollars just blowing wind about mythological bullshit!! Pray to Jesus?? Might as well pray to Popeye the Sailor. Just watch the news and look at what is happening to the world. What have Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed....the Angels......done??? NOTHING!! People are still killing each other, kids are starving to death all over the world. Why doesn't Jesus come back with his little basket of fish and feed the 24, 000 kids that die every day??? It's only gonna get worse, there are just too many people.


What do you mean traditionally? missionary position??


I've been doing the online dating sites. Getting lots of hits from men 6-15 years older than me...not my thing to date someone that much older...not enough in common. And then, there are the Republicans and Christians. ..nope. A couple started messaging hot and heavy, then dissappeared. But, when I do get a date, we meet at a restaurant, I always pay my own way on the first date. We see if we are connected enough to meet ahain, and if so, there is usually sex on date 2.

I have been offered sex on the first date from Christians way more than from non believers


That is a bit of a loaded question. I've tried but in recent years haven't been able to find a non religious woman. In the end they always end up incompatible. I don't mind having a relationship with a theist but it isn't my first choice, but they sure seem to gravitate towards me like a friggin satellite. I swear I atract theists like flys on sh*t.

Roman Level 5 Mar 4, 2018

For me, it was usually a coffee or casual lunch first. Then a proper date - if the first meeting went well. Semi-traditional.


Well I don't think online is traditional though its been around for 20 some years. Im still trying to figure it out and so far have not been impressed. Every relationship ive been in started in real life. Im not sure this is anything but a waste of time but like facebook ill do this when I have nothing better to do, like when im on a ski lift.
My "dates" have never been a movie and dinner kind of thing except a few times when we initially started online.


I meet people online first usually. I don't wait long to meet in person though because there is so much you cannot tell from text communication. I'm not tradtional though. I'm polyamorous and queer, so traditional doesn't even register on my radar.


I meet people on or off line and eventually meet in person, get to know them.
Has been a couple of years since there has been any sort of attraction either way.
Previously if theer was attraction there wodl be more "dates" these days we may meet up again, but I don't consider that dating, just friends doin stuff.


The ol' club and drag with a lot of grunts? I think it has gone out of style, but it looks like the powers that be are trying to bring it back.


what does "traditionally" mean? I am curious!!


I feel people date untraditionally (online one-night stand, chatrooms, college sex parties and such) with the expectation of holding traditional values (if we fall for each other we got to feel guilty and repent our whole lives and tell our kids not to do what we did). This is almost what I grew to believe until a grew a brain for myself.


Oh boy. Despite my politcal leanings I guess I am kinda old fashion in this department. I like paying for the meal, I enjoy candlelite dinners, I wouldnt feel comfortable if I didnt clean up or wasnt well dressed for a date.

I know a lot of people are casual about how the date should go. Which is cool, you do you. I just prefer to treat it more like an event.


Yes, I still date traditionally. I also still hold doors open, dress appropriately and follow many traditional rules of etiquette. There's something about planning the evening, picking your date up, yes the man pays, taking her home and then seeing where things go from there


I have forgotten what does this mean...


I honestly don't even know what that means anymore. One can only hope that there are still decent people out there to copulate with!

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