I think the world must be coming to an end! We now have militant vegans.
You note they hit a soft target. If they are serious see how they go by protesting at an abattoir.
Militant veganism sounds a million times worse than the Catholic sacrament. It seems that so many groups of late feel they have the right to dictate their agenda in quite unsavoury ways. I mean, who ever thought that Neo-nazism and veganism could share the same ‘we know best’ platform.
Vegans are just protecting life of those who suffer and have no voice.
That is fine in principle but militancy for any cause in a democratic environment is not acceptable.
@Geoffrey51 the same way you complain about them, they can complain about what they think is wrong. that is democracy
@margarida Certainly can but not in a mass disruptive way. That is anarchy regardless of the cause. There are plenty of mechanisms in place to demonstrate by peaceful means. Peaceful meaning non-distruptive in this context
@Geoffrey51 ok, I don´t know what happened.
Like I keep saying, there are as many crazies on the left as there are on the right. Don’t think for a second that getting rid of all the right wing nut jobs who are currently infesting the halls of our government would magically make all the crazy go away. It does absolutely no good to swap out one brand of crazy for another.
i was hit nn facebook by an otherwise friendly militant vegan and managed to deflect the blow, but when she found out i wasn't a chemtrail conspiracy theorist she became incensed and i had to block her. if i may go off topic for an instant to explain how i came to be in contact with her to start with, you may find this interesting. someone added me, without consulting me first, to a new group (don't you hate when that happens?) it was a group ostensibly created to support women. well, i'm a woman, so i went to check it out, and while scrolling through i came upon a meme showing a pretty well made-up and decked-out adele (nothing wrong with that in and of itself) quoting her as saying we should all be ourselves and not try to impress others... some such thing. the picture and the quotation didn't match. there she was, obviously made up and dressed to impress, in direct contradiction of her words. so i commented to that effect. i went out of my way to mention that i had no feelings about adele one way or the other, was aware that she didn't create the meme, was not trying to call her out in any way, was only commenting that the mememaker could've chosen a more appropriate picture of adele to go along with adele's words. well, i was BLASTED. what did i have against adele? how DARE i not like adele? why didn't i give her a chance? why didn't i go fuck myself? and not a single person responding actually understood what i had said; they were too busy defending adele from someone who actually hadn't attacked her. they had no compunctions against attacking ME, though! i patiently explained AGAIN that i was not putting adele down, that my comment really had nothing to do with adele herself, that i was just commenting on an inconsistency on the part of the mememaker. no go. the attacks got vile, very personal, very nasty, unbelievable, really. so i quit the group (which i'd been going to do anyway, having determined that the group's idea of supporting women was to post idealistic memes about believing in yourself and nothing practical at all). okay, problem solved, right? notifications off, me out of group, phew. nope. i get im'd by the vegan, very apologetic, please give them another chance; they're not bad people. (turns out she runs the group.) i explained why i did not wish to rejoin the group. she accepted that. then she started in on why i should be a vegan. no thank you. okay, it took a while but i convinced her i wasn't hitler even though i wasn't a vegan. then came the chemtrail stuff.... ah, well. the block feature can be SO handy. but yeah. militant vegans, militant conspiracy theorists, militant whatevers. yet in a battle of wits they turn out to be unarmed.
Good post g. Isn’t it tedious when you don’t actually care one way or the other and your told you should. I don’t actively use Facebook but just imagine if I told such a group (which is true), I don’t eat meat but I used to be a butcher. Prodigal Son or what I would imagine!
Absolutely agree...they can only post memes and repeat what others post....none of them are capable of an original thought, or can put up a rational argument, and if you try to do so using constructive criticism of their nonsense, they attack you and allege that you are attacking them! Better to steer clear of them entirely.
@Marionville yup! and... i did lol. and i do. don't get me wrong... i do speak my piece. when i feel i've said what i could say, i bail. there ARE lurkers and they're not always like the folks they're reading, and may be influenced. i say my piece for their benefit, and for my own, to know i have spoken up. however, beating a dead horse helps no one, especially not the horse.
@Geoffrey51 lol a butcher gone vegetarian! it makes sense, actually, you rebel ) but yeah, you make a nonjudgmental statement and you are credited with all kinds of emotions and opinions you have not actually expressed. know what i hate? being told to calm down when i've made a perfectly calm post. my post may have angered a reader and then the reader projects that anger onto me and tells me to calm down.
@genessa You are so right about the ‘calm down’ statement. Amazing when others are informing you of your own frame of mind!
@Geoffrey51 i have had people tell me i must be a trump voter, too. no one who reads any three words from me, including but not limited to "i was born," knows otherwise!
I have noticed an increased militancy in the Veganism movement. It is illiberal in the extreme to dictate to others what they should eat...and to put people out of what was a legitimate business. I can see a direct comparison between militant vegans and militant religious zealots....both groups are prepared to use violence to achieve their aims.
Vegans are peacefull people as far as I know.
Exactly. A dark undertone indeed. A bigger problem comes when the organised subversive rent-a-crowd element kicks and the cause is hijacked for political/apolitical motives
@margarida Not all of them I’m afraid.
@margarida further exploration indicates that this is actually Animal Rights using a vegan tag. Thought it didn’t seem right. It has always seemed to me that Animal Rights ‘demonstations’ are the left equivalent to Anti-abortionist outings!.
Well I do love animals and I think they suffer the same way I do. so I do everything to avoid them suffering. about abortion ...a few cells with 8 weeks don't suffer at all
@margarida I agree. I am all for Animal Rights and protection but some causes get hijacked. You will frequently see the same people at demonstrations regardless of the cause. This is my concern. Not the content but that the process is used to undermine society. There is a march in Melbourne on Thursday relating to unions with a rally at the end. It has been organised by the demonstrators and the police/council so as to allow democratic process and also the least disruption to the city. Some demos whether they be animal rights, anti immigration or complaints by farmers or taxi drivers, all being seen in Melbourne in recent times, can be annexed too easily by groups just looking to create disruption.