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Looking for some positive alternatives talk today. Scanning a few groups I'm in I see a lot of highlights of the human condition and the use of religion and social groups to justify negative behavior.

I'm curious about ideas of way to provide the perceived positives without the dogma. Such as a sense of community, emotional and financial support in emergencies, and a positive environment to promote critical thinking, emotional balance, and open acceptance.

For me, while it is still very much a work in progress, I've been working on building a services company (as in some cases work and what we do is a very large part of people's identity, financial support, and self worth) that focuses on empowerment, enablement, mentorship, and community.

I've also engaged in and recommended colleagues and friends to consider attending meetups in their area. From art, music, philosophy, games, business, or trades groups. Each provides an opportunity for connection, to learn or teach others and provide some sense of community and engagement.

What other positives outside of dogma could you identity and could be fostered to meet the "social" aspects without the fairytales?


RobertFoley 6 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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In positive psychology there are Character Strengths and Virtues or CSV, similar to the '4 cardinal virtues' or '7 theological virtues'. The 6 CSV virtues are Wisdom, Courage, Humanity, Transcendence, Justice, and Moderation. They break down into 24 'strengths'. For example I like the strengths forgiveness, gratitude, and kindness and think of them as forgiveness free us, gratitude enriches us, and kindness betters us all. Also health is very important. You can also do a wellness wheel of sorts, grade your personal satisfaction for each virtue on a scale of 1-10 and then determine a course of action to improve your satisfaction in the virtues that need it most. Virtue alone is sufficient to make a man great, glorious, and happy. - Benjamin Franklin


I think that you will find a number of people on this site who have long since rejected all ogma-based religious, political, social, and economic ideologies. These are people who believe in treating all humans with full dignity and respect and simply getting things done which benefit all of us. Generally we believe in democracy in its fullest extent, That is, we believe on representative democracy as a structural concept, but with the full underpinnings of treatment of all with dignity and respect, respect for the rights of all, equal opportunity, and institutions which put these underpinnings into full play.


pantheism is good

Orbit Level 7 Apr 8, 2019

I must admit I only see it in memes.

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