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Ive been asking myself lately how I could have been so ignorant to have followed the myth of Christianity for almost 30 years. When I’m truthful with myself I come to following reasons

  1. Fear of going to hell- This reason is really crazy to base your following after a fear of something

  2. Abdication of personal responsibility- Indidnt mean to really do that. Devil made me do it

  3. Spiritual superiority- I’m better than all those sinners out there.

  4. Peer pressure- what will all the people around me think of I don’t believe in Christianity.

  5. Social Events- church is a great place to meet people.

  6. Chosen one and feel special- I’m saved and I’m special. I’m not like all those unsaved people.

I did have some great times in my faith but mostly I spent time wondering why god did things a certain way and if the Bible says this then why is this happening. And why does god want us to suffer to make us better and why did god allow sin in the first place. I thought about my relationship with my kids. I didn’t want them to have to go thru pain to learn things and I surely wouldn’t put them in misery for rest of their lives for disobeying me. That just don’t make no sense at all.

abyers1970 7 Apr 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Religion does have the social aspect down. Something we Atheists lack. I know, for instance, that many Facebook freethinking groups have 10 times (sometimes more) the members compared to the actual numbers who show up for meetups


I have mad respect for your ability to realize and overcome the six points you listed. I was raised without religion, so I kind of got here for free. You had the fight your way here. Welcome aboard and don’t stop thinking!

I just had some things happen that made me question everything in my life. Open heart surgery, Being married to narcissist, disappointment in spiritual life. I tried hypnosis out one time and it helped me more with a problem than going to church and praying for two years had helped.

If you have not read Erich Fromm's ESCAPE FROM FREEDOM, yoo may find it useful in explaiuning why religion had a hold on you for so long.  Let me know if you do find it helpful.

I’m not familiar with the book but I will read. I love reading stuff like that


The doctrine of hell is what drove me AWAY! It took a while to work through the gobblygook Christians throw at you on the subject, to get to the central point: for hell to exist, god would've had to create it, period.
So god must be made up because there is NO WAY a real god would create such an evil place.
There were many, many other things, but that was the first dealbreaker for me.

That was a big point for me too especially after I had kids. No matter what my kids did I would not want them to suffer for rest of their lives. Plus if god didn’t want us to go to hell then why didn’t he leave more proof of his existence instead of everything being faith


Clear signs of a wake up . . . . now it time to feed it . . . . explore . . . . when I woke up, I had started reading philosophy, Aldous Huxley, Jean Paul Sartre, Albert Camus, Friedrich Nietzsche, it did not take long. I had a niece who was staying with my brother who was under the spell of christianity, along with his wife who was way far gone . . . . so his wife starts going through my niece's things, destroying or throwing out anything that she deems to be anti-christian, including things like music. She destroys everything like that, whatever my niece has . . . . . but the one thing she missed was a big book by Friedrich Nietzsche, which includes a chapter called fittingly "The Antichrist"! Here it is in all its glory . . . . . [] Enjoy . . . .

THHA Level 7 Apr 11, 2019

I’m interested in reading and I’ve never heard of the site before. It it looks interesting

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