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Any interest in a Game of Thrones watch party from members?

I could easily throw open a chat room for that purpose on Sunday night if folks want to holler together.

I know I generally watch twice. (I have it bad).

I'll do a poll to see if there is interest.

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RavenCT 9 Apr 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I have never watched GOT, never plan to watch.

Oh you should. Best Medieval, Fantasy, Soap Opera Ever! lol With Dragons...!

Just because loads of folks love it doesn't mean they're wrong. (But I'm a nerd and a geek so that factors in).



Watch party will be held in the chat in Insomniacs Sunday night.
Starting 9 pm EST.

I myself am a double viewer... I watch once making gasping sounds - then make more articulate noises when they do the repeat immediately after the first broadcast.

No spoilers for those viewing in later time zones! ?? ?


Never seen it, yet I'm sick of it.

But dragons?! I really enjoy it. It's pretty epic and convoluted.


Well there's enough interest!
I'll post a note to Insomniacs that we'll be using the chat for that purpose.
And link it back here.


Believe it or not. I have never seen one episode of that show.


My daughter and I are excited and have shared memes all week. This morning she told me how many days, hours, minutes and seconds til it starts!

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