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Wow I forgot how bad the altitude in Colorado effects your body at first, just want this headache to go away

DavidGreen1 6 Apr 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I have found for most people, when they drive into that kind of altitude the gradual climb helps the adjustment, while flying in makes it much more difficult. I never had a problem either way. A hit of pure oxygen is suppose to help.


A bit different from Inverness David. Just to make you envious we have had a few days of glorious weather here. 😉

Yeah of course as soon as I left


Every time the ex and I went to Denver the first thing his mother did was hand us a bottle of water.

Yeah I am downing it now, to little to late and maybe it would have been a good idea not to have the whiskey. I only had 2 little drams but they hit me hard


I did fine in Denver. Then we drove up to Golden and I couldn’t walk but a few feet at a time.
I agree about the oxygen: headache is a sign your levels are too low. At least get it checked.

My mom says it is the dehydration so I am drinking more water. I just don't remember it being this bad last time I lived here

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