I couldn’t resist posting this:
When we drink we get drunk. When we get drunk we go to sleep. When we go to sleep we commit no sin. When we commit no sin we go to heaven. So let’s all get drunk and go to heaven.
What could possibly go wrong?
Nothing as long as you have plenty of time to sleep off the hangover. ???
The problem is what they do before they go to sleep.
Sometimes people get drunk and shit their pants. Just sayin'.
Damn, thats a sin too?!? Lol
the problems happen between getting drunk & getting to sleep.
That could be a problem. ???
When I drink, I commit way too many sins before I go to sleep!
According to the OT, getting drunk is a sin. And even The Man said "be not given to wine".
Didn't he supposedly turn water into wine. He wants Christians to be drunk and sin.