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Love her reading the rap sheet of the banks 10 years after the banks caused the 2008 financial crisis.

gigihein 8 Apr 12

Enjoy being online again!

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AOC and Katie Porter are smart, sharp women. They are my idea of great Congresswomen!!!

I hope other smart women like them run for office. We have to get the money grabbing politicians out and those that actually care what happens for our kids grand kids and those that follow.

@gigihein You and me both sister! I truly fear for the future for my grand kids if we don't stop the politicians that are only in Congress to fatten their own wallets!!


Great ?by an awesome woman

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 12, 2019

She us awesome.


Another newbie Katie Porter the first Democrat to.represent California's 45th district. Her question stumped the CEO of JP Morgan Chase.

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