I see a new level of irony in the behavior of American conservatives, Trump supporters and evangelicals in particular, in the way they hold anyone more intelligent than themselves in low esteem. The refuse to accept vaccines, climate change, and any number of scientific truths in question while at the same time making use of all the things those scholarly people have provided all of us. The rail at vaccines yet most were probably given them as children at a time when the diseases they protect against were killing children around the world. The have no problem using the internet and smart phones to spread their idiocy all the while acting like these things which have been invented and developed within our lifetime (by the very smart people they hate) have been around forever along with slightly older things like electricity, the germ theory and anti biotics. It never occurs to them that the vast majority of their number could no more have created these things than could fly yet they despise and begrudge those who can for being proud of those achievements. Perhaps it is their ignorance of history and that the human race has been through this process at least once before that blinds them to the fact they may be on the brink of creating another dark age, which they will no doubt blame on the intellectuals they have driven away for not saving them from themselves.
Anti-vaxxers, surprisingly, are not only conservatives, nor are they uneducated. A recent study which I heard discussed on NPR this morning revealed that many are liberal and highly educated parents who put their trust in alternative medicine and believe (I won't dignify it with the word "think" ) they're smarter than traditional doctors. They distrust traditional medicine and turn to New Age remedies, evidently in the belief that not just an excess of medicines but any medicines are harmful to our ecology and biology.
They seem to think they can keep their kids away from other parents' sick kids and thereby avoid diseases spreading; somehow they must be able to see the kids' germs?