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So, on a side note.
I got my new studio monitors, Edifier S2000pro Powered Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers - Near-Field Active Studio Monitor Speaker with Wireless and Optical Input.
These suckers were very expensive, but WAAAAAAY worth it. they have the clearest flat sound I've ever heard. which will make my recording come out a ton better since I can really hear what the track (s) sound like, and mix better.

Looking very forward to making some new music.

TristanNuvo 8 Apr 13

Enjoy being online again!

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will they sound better that my bose 501s which are 35 yrs old? i doubt it.


Seems a positive aspect to a diversified society when we may each delve deeper than ever into what turns us on. Good for you!

Varn Level 8 Apr 13, 2019

And how long time will this last until you want something new because you think that it’s better than what you have?

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