I got into a discussion with my aunt about pro life vs pro choice. To make a long story short it's so hard to get a pro lifer to see things outside of their religious beliefs. I find it hard to get her to understand that by being pro life and picking to be that based on religion intern is forcing her religion upon others and it's just wrong. Have your opinion, just done take away my choice to make decisions for my body and life. I'm just upset. She's my family and I just hate her views. I couldn't believe she said liberals think their opinion is the only one. I feel the opposite. Per her religious belief for which she picks her political representatives, I think shows she's imposing her opinion on me in a manor in which seems she believes to be the only right one by choosing her candidates based on religious values. Does that make sense?
There are people that are pro-life and are not religious. I know that many religious people cite their religion in their argument, but many arguments boil down to a respect for life and not supporting murder - which can stand alone as a reasonable argument.
BTW - it's not your body that you are killing, so there's that.
Finally - I would like to point out than many comments here stated that pro-lifers don't care about the child once it's born (food, shelter, etc). Maybe yes, maybe no - but if you support murder, then you don't care about that stuff either - so please don't use that hypocritical argument either.
@OwlInASack You continually white knight, and throw out disparaging remarks about a persons humanity and without ever making a point. I would like to hear how you equate my comments of 'murderer' as disqualifying myself from the debate - other than you just don't like what I have to say. It is a human life that is being killed, just because the woman can't take precautions to avoid a pregnancy, and does so only b/c it isn't convenient for her life plans at the moment. There are exceptions to this situation, but the majority of abortions today fall in this category - and it is these sluts irresponsibility that I take issue with.
@TheInterlooper That video is fucking hilarious! LMAO. TY! I would like to state that I never FORCED her to have sex or get pregnant in the first place. Much as men are expected to pay child support for children, I don't see it unreasonable for her to carry a child which is a complete and separate human life, or better yet, have some responsibility and take reasonable actions to NOT become pregnant in the first place. After all, like the argument used against men, "You knew what you were doing and what could happen - so take responsibility"! This of course would preclude rape conceptions, and actual abortions that would endanger her life (which is only 1% of all abortions in the US).
@OwlInASack So what are my massive holes? Why don't you actually make a point, instead of just spouting off "You lose, I win" type arguments? You always insult people on their POV when you don't agree with them, call them simplistic, childish, immoral, etc, but you never actually give an argument on WHY they are wrong. You never point to any data, facts, or research. You just say they are wrong b/c they are wrong - and I am right b/c I am a better person than you.
Why can't the woman take precautions to avoid an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy? Diaphragms or other IUD, condoms, spermicide, birth control pills - are all viable options for a reasonable and responsible person to incorporate before hand, instead of using abortion (aka murder in my opinion) as the go to birth control measure, because oopsie - she can't be responsible for her actions before hand and take a little precaution? 4 million plus abortions every year is NOT due to faulty condoms or birth control pills or spermicide that didn't work properly. 4 million abortions per year are also not a product of medical emergencies to save the woman's life, or from rape victims that became pregnant - situation that I can understand the logic for the abortion argument. If abortions were severely limited tomorrow, women that don't want kids would not become celibate, they would take the above proposed measure to ensure they didn't become pregnant - aka act a little more responsible and aware of the consequences of their actions.
@OwlInASack yet you still engage with personal attacks and no logic or arguments. I read through my prior posts down to your last comment and NO WHERE in it did I say anything insulting to you - yet you still come back with the same insults against me, saying I'm insulting. Its really quite sad.
@Chooseluv First, it's not just her life and her choices she is making a decision on - and that is the whole crux of the problem. To think an unplanned pregnancy and decision about abortion only affect the women, is simple minded, selfish, and just plain ignorant/stupid.
I agree the man should wrap it. Why the hell in todays F ed up family court system would a man want to be financially fleeced for 18 years? I don't have a problem with men not being stupid and taking self preservation measures to avoid being tied to one of today's pathetic excuse for western feminist women. I also feel that if it's my future, my health, and my life that is going to be adversely affected by irresponsible actions - I shouldn't be spouting feminism equality while at the same time making stupid and irresponsible decisions that I can easily avoid - and do so while blaming someone else they didn't protect me from my own dumb ass.
And guess what - I was a single dad - full time. Not only did I have to deal with all the same struggles as you endured, but I had to deal with a sexist family court system and society that doesn't hold women to nearly the same child support standards as men, nor offer any emotional support to men struggling. I would also ask, how many of your single moms get child support? How many of your single moms initiated the divorce if they were married? B/c statistically, no, men can't and don't just "walk away" without any responsibility. Women are granted custody 80%+ of the time based on sexist views, and initiate 65+% of all divorces in the US. They are granted WAY more often custody, and WAY more often are awarded judgement for support compared to single fathers. And while this little tangent you want to bring into the discussion is interesting, it still doesn't change the facts. If a woman's body is her own, and she should be allowed to make decisions about it - then why the hell isn't it reasonable she at least be forced to take reasonable precautions? You have to wear a damn helmet when riding a motorcycle in most states, and you have to wear a damn seat belt in every state when driving a car. IMHO getting knocked up is a far worse situation to be irresponsible about. At least on a bike or in a car, the person you kill without self safety is just yourself!
52.3% of custodial single mothers were awarded child support in 2013
31.4% of custodial single fathers were awarded child support during the same year
@OwlInASack No...I called a woman who acts like a whore a whore. I also call people who act like idiots - idiots.
@OwlInASack Well thank you - been working pretty good for me thus far. Pisses lots of thin skinned whiny bitches off, but those people I don't have much use for anyway, since they are usually the one's that deep deep deep down know they are a whore or an idiot, or both.
@OwlInASack Wow - you make such uneducated and unfounded assumption at every turn. Never voted for him, don't support ANY politicians, and since you're an American citizen, he is your president too. Not sure if you're aware how that works. So if insulting the world around you doesn't work, why is that your #1 go to on here all the time?
BTW - ty for the continual comments. You are greatly helping my point level!
I have often explained to people that just because I am pro choice, that does not necessarily mean I am pro abortion....it means I feel I don’t have the right to tell a woman or a couple with to do with her body.
The religious right has a hard time understanding that this country is not a Christian country, and that should not be governed as such.
If your beliefs prohibit abortion....then that is your choice and your right to not have one. But that doesn’t mean every woman holds to those religious beliefs.
I gave up on that group a long time ago... They are the most devout Lemmings on the planet... Sad to say but do yourself a favor and learn to Love your own view and feelings without needing anyone else to be ok with your feelings, and Life will get infinitely better the sooner you do! ? ? ?
There is a difference in opinion on when life begins and when it is considered murder to kill something. Even if two people agree on that point there is still the different opinion on the murder/non-murder weighed against a persons right to their bodies. No amount of debate will change most people’s mind either way.
I also don’t think the way a person votes means forcing their beliefs on someone. If you do think so then that principle applies to all voters.
The stance, "I will vote to take away your bodily autonomy, but if it becomes law, I didn't force it on you", makes no sense. It is an abdication of personal responsibility.
@Roadster I would agree in situations where specific issues are being voted on, but less so in situations where a candidate is being voted on.
@indirect76 And yet your vote helped put the policy in place. Just because a decision is not easy or clean, doesn't absolve the individual from the impacts of making it. Sometimes, we are in hard places and have to make hard decisions, we are still responsibile for the outcomes of those decisions. If we pretend we are not, we have no reason to try to correct for the bad outcomes.
@Roadster It’s probably best to note vote at all then.
@indirect76 That is also a decision that has consequences. I think we would function better as a society, if we all acknowledged the decisions we make, with both their good and bad outcomes. It is okay to say decided A and B was the bad side effect. I value A over B, but I still have some responsibility to make B better. Unfortunately, most people pretend that their actions don't have side affects and ignore them.
Most "pro-lifers" are also pro-death penalty, so that makes them hypocrites.
They are also not really pro-life, they're just pro-birth. They really don't care what happens to children after they're born. They generally don't support assistance for families, or food stamps, or better education, etc.
Dealing with them is very frustrating.
I object to the term, Pro-life. So that means everyone else is anti-life, or pro-death?
Moreover it implies that people actually care about “life” when they often have no concern about whether that child will have a place to live, food to eat, medical care, or parents who love or even want them.
@A2Jennifer Exactly