Getting round to booking trip to USA. Provisional Denver, New York, Chicago, Wash DC. Anywhere in particular I should catch in between?
Well what are you into?
Currently unemployed, which Iām calling my GAP Year(s) since no such opportunity 35 years ago. Means I plan mostly Public Transport, which obviously limits many 'remote' scenes.
I generally find you can sense an area by mixing with local people as you make your way around in such public mode!
Basically,, Town & City Architecture, Agriculture en route, local characters, occasional museums, Local Bar Banter which varies from non existent to quite enthralling
Read the story of capone before you go to chicago . It will give you a whole new appreciation as to why ameica is so extreme
It depends on so much: interested in urban environs solely or natural beauty; rugged or gentle; history. This is a very big country with varied terrain, small towns, large cities, etc. Of course I live near them, but the Great Lakes are definitely worth a look, but, if you're in Chicago, you'll see one of them, but it isn't the nicest view. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is well worth exploring. The Rocky Mountains are magnificent.
Been in US many times, mostly work related to Houston. Saw much of California 36 years ago. In Florida few times when kids younger.
New York once, taking advantage of Freddie Laker cheap flights to London.
Boston-lot of American history: Boston Tea Party, Revolutionary War,
boston is crap but orchard beach is great !
Know Old Orchard and Saco very well