I'm not a writer nor a blogger. But I have an unconventional way of thinking and feel that I have a lot to say about life .. can bring different perspectives to the moral values and the methods we use to applying them under the conceptual light of logic without ignoring our natural compassion as humans... creatures on the planet collectively.
I don't know where to post them.. the thoughts keep flowing on me I'm getting overwhelmed..
I don't even know where the fuck to categorize this post as it could go under it all..
Honestly, I don't think it really matters.
When I post something sometimes, I'll just pick a topic at random. I don't think we get graded on what topic we choose.
So, I say just post what's on your mind. who cares what "topic" it is under.
File it under narcissists united
@Neenz I apologise. That was out if line on my part.
Just post them under Philosophy and Meaning, or General and Hellos. It doesn't really matter. I just throw stuff out there sometimes. Usually someone will read it.