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I’m curious...

Here in the wonderful USA military veterans are superficially treated like heroes and gods. They feel as if they are entitled to all sorts of special treatments (discounts, reverence, etc). No other job...because that’s what military service really is...has these expectations.

Do citizens of other countries treat their veterans the same way? Or is it [most likely] American’s war-obsessed ideology raising these people on these pedestals?

PeppermintDreads 7 Mar 6

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I’ve never run into any veterans who think they get special treatment unless they were already a spoiled jerk before joining the military.

Adam7 Level 4 Mar 26, 2018

I have nothing but the greatest respect for our armed service members. The same goes for firefighters and other professions where they risk their lives to protect us. (this does not include police officers)

I do not put them on pedestals--I don't do that with anyone--but I acknowledge and thank them for providing what I see as an invaluable service for us. I think what they do is important in many ways.

I do not agree with the characterization of America as war-obsessed; it seems inaccurate and insulting to me. I don't personally know anyone who is war-obsessed.

marga Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

Yes the military do get some discounts from some places here in Scotland but its not as rife as in the USA and most places don't really advertise it.


I served 6 years and have never expected any favor. Those that are provided I accept with the respect that they are given with.I see no problem thanking those who served and placed their lives in danger for the many who did not serve their country. Swiss and Israel require every male to serve. I wonder did you serve?

I extend the same respect for the FBI<CIA >Police,ambulance drivers and anyone else that places their lives in harms way for the good of the country. like doctors.

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