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"There is nothing pragmatic about an incremental solution to a catastrophic problem."

~ Ron Placone

Think on this... just really think on it. And think of the people working to bring this about. Think about your having a part of that wealth that you don't have to horde. Clean air, healthy environment, and a focus on cooperation rather than conflict.

Go beyond such small cirlces of "prosperity."

"I think we can all do better." ~ Jim Jefferies

And think of Nancy Pelosi dismissing that entire approach as "just five people" and what that means. It's a shamefully naked attempt to cling to power against the will of the electorate.

If Pelosi felt her worldview truly superior, she could go head to head in open discussion with this mere "five," provided she actually could. But power has to pretend theirs is the only compelling argument because [reasons] that essentially aren't really given, but rather just presumed.

Think on that... and I think you'll know what to do.


"There is nothing pragmatic about an incremental solution to a catastrophic problem."

~ Ron Placone

WilliamCharles 8 Apr 16

Enjoy being online again!

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People who refuse to think about environment are only interested in themselves. They don't even care for their own children.

"We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

– ancient indigenous wisdom

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