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What has happened to teamwork in the workplace. I have worked many projects at work and by far this is the worst team yet. No teamwork or putting the best foot forward and be proud of the work one does. Management refuses to address any issues and there solution is to not correct the problem but to punish everyone with extra work. We work some times of the day without pay because no one will stand together and confront management. The famous,"We don't want to rock the boat." No matter how many times you tell someone to do something or teach them; they seem not to be listening or they just don't care. What a day it was today!


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Time to look for another job. Your bosses are not interested in fixing the problem just in how they will look. More work means more bonuses for them.


No . Just no . I ve read everything u wrote and I will stop u at this : work without pay ? Absolutely not .
People have died to establish labor law . No sir . It's time to go .


Wow. Sorry you have to deal with this.

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