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Here's an interesting article on slavery. It's a short read. []


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“All socialism involves slavery.” Really? Tell that to the Swedes, the Finns, etc.

Those are not truly socialist nations: []

Read the examples of the ones that are, however. True examples of freedom and equality for their citizens, not.

@IAMGROOT I know this, OF COURSE! But the GOP blurrs that distinction whenever they use the word ''socialism.'' And there's an entire generation of Americans raised to do exactly the same thing. Which is why I think it's way too early for Bernie Sanders' ideas. You say ''socialism" and they hear "Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics." Ergo....communists.


Sorry, I find this a B.S. article meant to whitewash and to empower the conservative rich corporate types who truly do use their control to financial enslave people.

Thank you for your constructive and objective comment.

@IAMGROOT You are welcome, as I strive to serve the masses and make my small marx on society.

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