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So...I have had schizophrenia for a very long time. While it may not usually be the first thing I tell people about myself, I am still pretty open about it. What surprises me are the misconceptions that still exist. Many people still think I am going to stab them or that I am incapable of critical thought. Or my favorite, that it's the reason I'm gay and atheist. Does anyone else have any input or stories about their own perceptions/experience with mental illness? As a side note for anyone interested in learning more, there are some really good TED talks on youtube about schizophrenia.

Scarecrow 5 Mar 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for the suggestion Collin. I am interested as I experience hallucinations and wonder what comonality there is between them.


Its the same as people thinking to be disabled you must be in a wheelchair.


Most people get all their knowledge of schizophrenia from criminal minds episodes. It's great that you are open about living with the condition. I've got PTSD and a big part of managing it for me was educating the people I'm close too so they can understand how it works. Like if I vanish into isolation, it's not personal, I'm just needing to be alone. I hope people around you learn from your experiences.


I applaud you & your bravery. I wish you the best. Just keep continuing to be the best you can be. I have my own struggles, although not the same as yours. Everyone does. I guess.


Interesting and enlightening post. Thank you. 🙂


I'm glad you are open about it, helps to get rid of the stereotypes


You are part of the 7 percentage that deal with very similar feelings. we humans have a collective weakness [ of 7 %]


Well, the being a gay atheist part I certainly relate to. If people disapprove, they will erroneously tie any number of issues together, "blaming" anything they see as negative on the other thing they Don't approve of.
I am an LCSW psychotherapist, too, and I absolutely see examples of what you mention, judgment from the uninformed.


I have Borderline Personality. Most people believe that means I have multiple personalities. It gets very tiring explaining that isn't what it is. Once I get that through their heads, I have to deal with the questions about whether or not I am just nuts or completely/dangerously nuts.


Well? Which are you?

Just nuts. At least I haven't killed anyone........ yet 😛

@kiramea Me far. Though I have met some people who....nevermind. 🙂

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