So...I have had schizophrenia for a very long time. While it may not usually be the first thing I tell people about myself, I am still pretty open about it. What surprises me are the misconceptions that still exist. Many people still think I am going to stab them or that I am incapable of critical thought. Or my favorite, that it's the reason I'm gay and atheist. Does anyone else have any input or stories about their own perceptions/experience with mental illness? As a side note for anyone interested in learning more, there are some really good TED talks on youtube about schizophrenia.
Its the same as people thinking to be disabled you must be in a wheelchair.
Most people get all their knowledge of schizophrenia from criminal minds episodes. It's great that you are open about living with the condition. I've got PTSD and a big part of managing it for me was educating the people I'm close too so they can understand how it works. Like if I vanish into isolation, it's not personal, I'm just needing to be alone. I hope people around you learn from your experiences.
Interesting and enlightening post. Thank you.
You are part of the 7 percentage that deal with very similar feelings. we humans have a collective weakness [ of 7 %]
Well, the being a gay atheist part I certainly relate to. If people disapprove, they will erroneously tie any number of issues together, "blaming" anything they see as negative on the other thing they Don't approve of.
I am an LCSW psychotherapist, too, and I absolutely see examples of what you mention, judgment from the uninformed.
I have Borderline Personality. Most people believe that means I have multiple personalities. It gets very tiring explaining that isn't what it is. Once I get that through their heads, I have to deal with the questions about whether or not I am just nuts or completely/dangerously nuts.