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I think the Report tomorrow will show what we all already know and have observed... that a president has engaged in a lot of shameful, unpatriotic and unethical conduct, including that he sought and welcomed russian interference in our elections, and that he received and benefited from russian interference. And then, after winning (to even his own great surprise and probably to his own consternation) a crooked political race, he then rewarded russia for that interference. No amount of redaction can change those facts. Nor does it change the fact that he is an absolute train wreck, and a steaming hot mess. And regardless, America has had it up to HERE with this knucklehead!

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MrLink 8 Apr 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Not to mention criminal conduct

lerlo Level 8 Apr 18, 2019

While I agree, I expect most of the report to be redacted. There within t be much to read.

I felt the same way. But it seems like there is actually quite a bit there.

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