We need a new amendment to the U.S. Constitution, stating that "When three or more members of the U.S. Supreme Court when they believe that the president of the U.S. or any member of the administration is acting in such a way as to violate the U.S.. Constitution, threaten our democracy, or national security the Supreme Court is required to initiate immediate action to rule on the matter. If the Court finds that such a violation is occurring or has occurred, it has the power to direct the Justice Department to take immediate action to address the issue."
Terrible idea. I put more trust in our elected representatives in the House and the Senate than in 5 Supreme Court justices. The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing.
How do you p[resume to know what the founding fathers intended? You sound like the constitution distorter Scalia. Besides, founding father Thomas Jefferson said that the earth belongs to the living, not the dead. When tradition carries more weight than reason and the solving of a current problem, there is a problem.