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Had a nice day today in spite of my birthday being a religious holiday. LOL I was also born on GF.

Started off with the boys calling me at 7:15 to sing to me. Next Eggs Benedict, my fav for breakfast then later my friend took me out for lunch at our fav Mexican place. She got me a pineapple and a pineapple corer/curler/slicer and a card. Then we went back to her house played cards (she put some whoop-ass on me 3 of 5 games) and had coffee and Key Lime Pie.

Tonight I had boiled shrimp, potatoes, sauteed asparagus, salad with Blue cheese dressing. Later a Margarita for dessert!

mzbehavin 8 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Happy Egg holiday.... and birthday.




Well seasoned Season's greeting to you. Blue cheese and all!


Sounds like you had the day you wished for!


Happy birthday!


Sounds like a darned good day!

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