I keep hearing people saying they won't vote for a old white male because they rule the system. I think it's pretty stupid though to demand people be treated as equals then name a class of people that aren't allowed to be considered. Isn't that exactly the thing they are fighting against? Shouldn't you chose people based off who is best for the position not what color or gender they are? You better pick wisely because the chance to really change the system won't last long.
I fear that democrats will choose a far left candidate, probably too extreme to be electable across the country.- leaving Trump in charge for another term
That class of people you speak of (old white men), have a monopoly in the political system... That are more than equal in that venue... There needs to be a balance in the political system... There are too many old white men... We need people in power who are younger to adequetly represent the millenials...
I get all that and I don't really disagree there needs to be more diversity but that thinking is the same thinking that gave us that system is more my point. Having qualifications such as those things is every bit as bad as the current system because it just replaces those figures with people that may look like you but they will act the same. This is one of the ways the left can be as ignorant as the right even though it may seem to have a justified reason for it. It doesn't seem like some people really want the system to change, they just want the power the other side has now. They don't want equality, they want revenge. If you think they can't corrupt women, or people of color just look at the Republican party. You won't find many but the ones you do find will be some of the worst people you can find. That's because your age, gender, sex, or color doesn't make you a moralistic person.
Agree 100%. Only their ability to do the job and their policies should be a consideration when electing anyone; age, gender and race should not.
I suppose the bias is due to the expectation that electing another old white male would just get us more of the same of what we've always already had, which usually sucks for anybody who isn't straight, white, male, and Christian.
This requires a real lack of understanding of the political system. Until the system is attacked in a way that can actually bring about the change you will be throwing a symbol into a fire designed to make it bend to their will. The system is designed to absorb such symbols and make them obsolete. This system will not be changed by one person alone. it will take a revolution of millions of people coming together to demand change. No single person can change it and their gender, sexual orientation, color, and or age will not matter. It will take someone that can unite the people, knows the system, and has the will to really fight. If they can be bought off they will not fight for us, Obama showed the danger in listening to new people making promises they have no intention of keeping. Look carefully because the anger over Trump will die soon after he is gone and anyone not totally committed to fighting will not be able to withstand the enormous pressure from the upper class to cave in. They own the system now, they have owned it for a very long time. They are not able to withstand a public united against them but they have vast resources and time. They know it and are preparing now. This fight is for our democracy which has been lost by generations who aren't willing to devote the time and respect that politics deserves. The mainstream media is owned by the military industrial complex so just tuning into the news on Fox or CNN will not be enough to know what's really going on. What you see is not the right and the left, it's the right and the middle. the left has been shut out of the conversation for decades. That's changing because the movement is grown too large for them to ignore any longer. Now they will be in a minamizing mode and they will play into every weakness we have. That attitude of needing someone other than old white men is a weakness they will try to exploit. they are doing it now with a mayor from my home state of Indiana because he is gay. They know who the real threat is, an old white man.
You're absolutely right! And on the other hand he would be the president of a vast political organization called government, not a totalitarian emperor like the one of "The apprentice".