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The elders of this church got to design the church league softball shirts.

They thought “CLI” (Christian Life International) alone wouldn’t signify a church, so they added the cross. Magnificent.

BohoHeathen 8 Apr 21

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They designed the shirts with the goal of promoting the church league and providing players and coaches with the best gear possible. The shirts are made from all soft cotton, and they are designed to be comfortable and subway surfers stylish. They are also available in a variety of colors, so you can choose the perfect shirt for your team. If you're looking for a shirt that will help you promote your church league, look no further.


Hahaha, this post made my day. I'm just thinking about the face all of the people seeing those shirts must've had, and I just can't stop laughing. That's why elders should probably leave responsibilities like this to people who actually know what they're doing. For example, they could've got some designers for hire, which I'm sure the church's budget could have afforded. Even if it cost them a little bit, I think it would've been a way better deal than letting the elders design them, print that horrible(yet funny af) logo on the shirts, and waste even more money reprinting them.

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