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Had lovely morning with Ruby. Yesterday she got this geology project with "gems" buried in plaster. It came with wood mallet, chisel, and safety glasses to uncover them. I had a small box at home that I had from my grand mother that had stones from broken jewlery, like amethyst. topaz, citrine, tiger's eye, a cameo. and other stones. Amy daughter hid them in little plastic eggs with ginger chews. her favorite candy. While she was hiding the eggs I took Ruby for a walk. We sat be a gazebo and watched carpenter bees. I was trying to get her to say bees, but she just said bee. So I said 1 be, 2 bees, 3 bees and Ruby repeated it with me. only she said 1 bee, 2 bees 3 bees Ruby's. posting a few pictures. I had a great video of bee boring hole znd Ruby twirling jn circles until dizzy, but can't download videos yet.

gigihein 8 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Fun project engaging brains and hands!


Sound like you had a wonderful day. Great pics

Unity Level 8 Apr 24, 2019

That's terrific. Ru- Bees is hilarious.

JimG Level 8 Apr 21, 2019

she has taught me a lot already

@gigihein My kids are grown now and I have a six week old grandson. She'll teach you a lot if you give her a chance.

@JimG I spend a lot of time with her. we are ha ing a sleep over tonight.

@gigihein Have fun.

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