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What's your opinion on the burning of the Notre Dame? I believe there's more important things to worry about and raise money for instead of a religious building that there is thousands of its just a pretty building....

Carla_Jones 5 Apr 22

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Traveling Europe and elsewhere many of the great architechtural wonders are religious based. I have seen many and marvel at their beauty. Yes, I also think the money could have been spent differently, but then again it furthered architectural knowledge and boundaries. I hope it is restored for Parisian pride.


As to why it burned it must have been the old debil. I am so glad that they managed to save that piece of the original cross along with an original nail. These are so important to believers.

When Elvis died in the toilet I'm surprised that they didn't save his crap. 🙂 BTW, what happened to the Shroud of Turin? Was it housed there too?

I believe the Shroud of Turin is in.. wait for it.. Turin ! Lol

Nobody saved the cross. IT was make from gold and a higher melting point than wood. That is why it was saved, not from any heroic effort.

@Dicaron My remarks are in jest of the claim that Notre Dame had a piece of wood and a nail from the cross Jesus died on, but it was saved. Who would believe that?


And not just to the French. The building itself is history and should be preserved. Perhaps to your point, it would be nice if this sort of preservation were more consistently applied.


I'm sure if I ever saw it in it's glory I would be duly impressed, or more likely intimidated, which is the purpose of religious churches... to overwhelm. It's kind of a magic trick wrapped in a lot of intimidating jabber too. The fire should be a reminder to get grounded in reality, in my opinion. When I venture into nature, like the national parks, the redwoods, Yellowstone, Yosemite, great cliffs and falls and massive earth formations shaped by time... all that gives me an authentic "cathedral"-like feeling, and I am just as inspired as any religious person when they walk into a man-made building that is tall and has a point on it. It's fake nature in a way, or a copy. Give credit where it's due, to Earth, which has been here a heck of a lot longer than some preacher.


I think it's a cover up. The mudflood followers thinks it was to destroy the spire.

Tcass Level 3 Apr 22, 2019

I think it's a cover up. The mudflood followers thinks it was to destroy the spire.

Tcass Level 3 Apr 22, 2019

Especially when their is YouTube video which now shows a someone on the roof with a pail that is set on fire! It most likely is s an Islamic act, since they have been linked to over fifty churches that where set on fire through out France in 2019!
Religious wars never end or their overt genocide!

Can you provide a link to this video? I’d like to have a laugh.

It was removed by YouTube!

Try the Bare naked Islam site!
They still have access to it still!

@of-the-mountain Wow. A video of someone walking around on the roof. Not exactly proof it was arson.

With a bucket that they ignited right before the fire started!
Not proof of anything! Just like you not proof of anything!


Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia regarding the ownership and liability status of the church:

Since 1905, France's cathedrals (including Notre-Dame) have been owned by the state, which is self-insured. Some costs might be recovered through insurance coverage if the fire is found to have been caused by contractors working on the site.[52] The French insurer AXA provided insurance coverage for two of the contracting firms working on Notre-Dame’s restoration before the blaze which devastated the cathedral. AXA also provided insurance coverage for some of the relics and artworks in the cathedral.[53.

That being said, some of the costs might be defrayed by insurance and contributions but ultimately the people of France will pay for any of the leftover restoration costs. IMO let them do what they feel they need to do collectively. It's none of my business. Most of the French are Christians (51%) followed by non religious (40%). see links.



According to a 2016 survey from Institut Montaigne,
39.6% claimed no religion.
Slightly more than half (51.1%) identify as Christian
5.6% identify as Muslim, and
under 1% (0.8%) are Jewish.


Catholic church can sell a few of the popes robes and fix it, or not. Paris will find the money as it brings in the tourist francs!

BillF Level 7 Apr 22, 2019

@TheMiddleWay They still hold Mass there, there are priests there so yea, they can pay for it!

@TheMiddleWay It most certainly does make sense. The church is the only users of the church. They are extremely wealthy and should pay for the property they use.

@TheMiddleWay Not sure where you are coming from on this. The catholic church did own the building and through political gamesmanship got France to take over the building but the church gets to use it in the usual way. France does not own the building but has to do the upkeep. Any smack that can be done to the catholic church works for me. They have had it there way for way to long.


The building has historical and cultural significance and is a major tourist attraction as well, so it will be rebuilt. I find the ease with which nearly $1 billion materializes for that relative to any number of other urgencies, to be annoying also. Under the crisis circumstances (climate change, plus fascism on the march all across the face of the earth) I think a good argument could be made that they should have solicited funds to combat those issues "in memory" of Notre Dame. They could always shore it up a bit and circle back in 25 years if civil society still cares about it.

But ... it is the donor's $$ and they get to do what they want with it.


The same way as if they were to rebuild Auschwitz for it's intented purpose.

@Renickulous Religion is bad. Nazis are bad.


It's sad that such historical building has burned down. On the other hand, they should demolish the rest of evil, religious building.


My opinion is that the damned building should have fully burned down to the ground. It is a historical old building - it means nothing to humanity. It made no contribution to humanity except increasing ignorance, superstitions, lies and brainwash over 850 years.


strange how they can get a billion $s together in 48 hours but knowone gives a fuck about the real problems.


I have posted this before so if you saw it on You Tube don't worry, my story is the same. ND is like 700 yrs. old and we are talking wood which doesn't ripen with age especially after cut. I will now relate to you that I have 25 years of Construction Experience as a Union Laborer licensed by the City of NY in every fire guard protection license to include Oxy Acetelene as both a burner and fire watch. I also passed the Site Safety Manager Exam for the City of NY which was denied me for other reasons that I can explain if need be. Anyhoo lets get to the circumstances. Scaffolding in place and the damage is greater than anticipated. A rule of thumb is that renovations are twice as costly as new construction. So we now realize the scope of work to remove the existing 700 years of weather beaten and other increments impeding a ND that will last another 700 years. The whole cost analysis went off the table. I was born, baptized, educated thru College in Catholic Colleges up to my M.S. Degree. After Grade School where I was an Altar Boy was I ever in confusion and because my Irish Family Heritage was I afraid to ever peep a wrongful look or thought.
Lets talk Construction and how it goes or how to set it up. No Insurance Company in the world would insure ND and the Catholic Church would ever entertain the premiums. To structurally remove all the wood and glass while leaving the whole nave exposed would have added trillions to the cost let alone hoisting up the new replacement parts. In my many years of Construction the term 'Jewish Lightning' was associated with the demise of a Bldg. which was totally unoccupied but burnt to the ground after for Insurance Purposes. This term has no slur to the Jewish Religion but in NY it always referred to Bldg. that for some unknown reason burnt down in the middle of the night with no inhabitants and was compensated for because it was removed in total the following week and new construction initiated.
That the Fund Me and the Billionaires of France are buying into this and Catholic Church is Crying at the Pulpit for donations will come to the realization that if they pull this off they will have a New ND with mucho left over to stash in coffers until the next one comes online.

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