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How many people have recently lost friends because they were on the wrong side of the political fence?

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Wes_smarts 4 Apr 22

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I dumped, defriended all my white evangelical/white supremacist friends and relatives who are openTrump supporters. I avoid religion/politics subjects when I'm visiting Conservative relatives, but otherwise, I don't hang with them or have them on Facebook anymore.


No just keep politics to myself


No, but a cousin who is a Jehovah's Witness rejected me because I'm an atheist.


I've made more friends that I have lost, because we do agree.


This isn't about politics. You have to be qualified for your job, I had to be qualified for mine, but the president of the united states doesn't have to be. It used to be one side won, the other lost, and you may not agree with their policies but at least they were qualified. This is all about intelligence and anybody who thinks he knows what he's doing is an idiot. Anyone who can sit in a room full of Israelis, in Israel, and say "I just just got back from the Middle East" should not be handling foreign policy. Of course that's just one of his idiotic comments because the man is an idiot. So, living in Arizona I don't discuss politics a lot and some of my friends might be supporters but we don't talk about it unless they say something stupid and then we probably will not talk again.

lerlo Level 8 Apr 29, 2019

It has been really tough to not judge Trump fans. But the camel's back is about to break. It's no longer just about politics with this administration. Ethics and morals have come to dominate my opinion rather than actual political issues. ?


I don't lose friends over politics or religious differences...


Most of my friends are Democrats. The few republicans friends I have know how I feel and we avoid the subject.
One has told me that they are ready to vote against the tangerine tornado.


not recently. i lost them in 2015 and 2016. most of them were not even real-life friends. two were and i was sad to see them go.

one was a friend i had known for years, longer than i was even on facebook, where we settled in because we don't live in the same part of the country. he is an orthodox jew (i am a secular one) and he was offended when, in 2015, i compared the rise of trump to the rise of hitler. i stand by my comparison, which grows stronger almost by the hour, but he said i was cheapening the holocaust. i feel i was, rather, trying to prevent another one. he said he couldn't be my friend anymore. i gave him sources that agreed with me. he said it was fake news. i gave up.

the other friend was someone i knew in college, and we'd been close enough that i was at his (catholic) wedding. he's a born-again christian now. he said he could not longer be friends with me because i am pro-choice. i have never had an abortion, but my very OPINION drove him away. i am quite sad about that but i am who i am and i stand by my pro-choice position. he left, not me. i have had to unfriend and block people who were facebook friends because of racist crap they posted; i don't do that just because they support trump. delusion isn't a crime. racism, in terms of keeping my friendship, is.

there was one exception. i had a friend i never met in real life but with whom i hung out in a virtual universe called there, so we were pretty good friends. we never talked politics there that i recall, but when there (briefly) closed down and we migrated to facebook (not even close to being the same thing but the there friends wanted to keep in touch somehow) suddenly politics not only drove a wedge between us but drove her to start calling me names and being BEYOND rude; she was vile. i had to block her. i wonder if she ever figured out that her life was not better because of trump? probably not.


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