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4th June Donald Trump is coming to UK. MASSIVE protests with everyone showing Trump their rumps. I will be there if I can get the day off. Anyone coming?

Amisja 8 Apr 23

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I'm too far away. Could you do me a favour and display yours twice?

will do


shoot the twats plane down


I'm so sorry ?? You guys can keep him if you want....just sayin....

Actually he's yours...we have our own wankers

@Amisja Right...but he is the bestest, biggest, greatest wanker of all!


What is the matter with your queen? LOL that's the first time I've ever asked that question.

Not my queen

Maybe she is dreading being fondled by your president.

@Moravian she's the one that invited him over. That was my point.

@mooredolezal I think she does as she is told by the Govt. If the royals get too uppity it's to the tower and off with their heads


Don't see what the protests are for. He is the leader of the country supposed to be one pf our closest allies and as such should be made welcome.


oh please.

@patchoullijulie I'm not defending the guy. I think he is a narcissist, self serving, ignorant twat totally unsuited to the role of president but we are welcoming the office of the leader of the USA, not the man.
We welcomed Dubya and Reagan and they did more harm around the world than Trump has done, YET.

Why? He's not even welcome here.


I love the British sense of humor and even more, their sense of is way more clever and cheeky (ha ha) than ours...good for you!

Most definitely!


Both Dt & Qe are symptoms of the same disease. Wealth, Religion and Entitled position

Hmmm I am NOT a royalist but she deffo got there first.


You are assuming he doesnt' chicken out. I seem to remember his cancelling other trips due to planned protests. If I lived there I'd be going.

Its a State visit, he is coming as representative of the Office of the Presidency rather than as DT. It would be very very bad form to stand up her Maj

@Amisja He doesn't give a flying fuck about her maj. ....expect anything and everything from him.

@Amisja Trump's actions to date seem to indicate that he either isn't aware of how hsi actions look to the world, or he simply doesn't care how much damage he does to the country.

@Amisja Also bad form to stand in front of her which he did on his last visit

@Moravian I think the whole idea of proper protocols is beyond him. His narcissism won't allow him to consider anyone other than himself.


George "Big Ears" Bush once got pelted with rocks and bottles, while visiting Nova Scotia. But I'm not trying to give you any ideas here!

haha the Trump baby balloon will be even bigger!

@Amisja I love the trump baby balloon.. ?

@Green_eyes me too!

@Amisja The more he gets caught up in his own lies, the bigger the baby he becomes!

@davknight Exactly

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