Wow! Man Wants To Debate, But Not Like Formally Or Respectfully Or Anything
...debate with an open mind-or
debate with an agenda!!!
Sales pitches can be cloaked in
various disguises. Sales people turn me
off because of of tactics used against me in
the past. That said an open forum(town hall) debate does clarify my understanding of
issues that sometimes I'm not aware of.
Thank you, JNEI
Shit. If only I had a dime whenever some dickwad told me "“It’s important to hear ideas that are antithetical to your own,” I'd be.... about 50 dollars richer.
literally any troll that comes onto a feminist or womens fbook page and tries to talk down to women or about women... however when taken up on his challenge to debate is defeated and petulantly resorts to ad homs or insults about weight and looks. Truly those dudes are the pinnacles of "logic" heh