I recently got involved with the lady, who is very much into anal sex.
when she masturbates and has often, she uses two dildos both made of glass.
she expects anal intercourse every time we make love. she begins anal foreplay in the shower. it continues right through our lovemaking sessions. I don't know how I feel about this is this common? the sex is very good in all aspects.
it usually concludes with anal intercourse, she said that she originally did anal as a birth control method, is this common I don't know.
I'm not bragging I truly want to know how common this is would like to hear from a women on this subject this is the first time I've ever been in a relationship that was this anal.
Info from women who work in old peoples housing - it was very common for anal sex to be a birth control method - pre the pill ladies - and in old age some of them have anal prolapses etc as a result. According to porn films it is almost 100% obligatory. Not into it myself, but have been with a handful of women who enjoyed it immenseley, but would not consider my experience as a survey.
I know some guys are really into it, but I'm not sure how popular it is with women.
The only ass talk I hear from women has to do with what they need to do to lift it, before it gets caught in the heels of their shoes.
Thank you for replying to me, I was looking for information from women.
anyone who's interested from a male point of view, it's no big deal
once you get past the idea of doing something different, it really feels more or less the same as vaginal intercourse
I think the most important thing is how you feel about. It's your relationship and you're the one who has to participate. Whether someone else, outside of it, is comfortable with it, or into it or not, doesn't matter.
Enjoy the things you do and, if it stops being fun, you can have a conversation about modifying things a little.
I appreciate your reply, this last Saturday I asked my girlfriend if it would be okay if we had sex but didn't do the anal part she became very pouty and distant.
she didn't really say anything hurtful but I knew she was disappointed with me. I went ahead and did it anyway and she was happy afterwards
This is an interesting situation and not because it's about sex. Relationships are about having the needs of both people met, which sometimes requires compromise.
The fact that you're willing to make her happy is good of you and a fine quality to have as a partner. The concern I have is why she is not interested in meeting your needs as well. If it's her way or the highway (insert pouting and distancing here) there's a problem that goes beyond your different sexual preferences.
She does everything very well, and I cannot say I'm not I'm not satisfied. the foreplay process is time consuming and tedious. I am willing to describe it to you in great detail, if you think that would help.
Buckle Up!! Think hygene and wear a condom everytime. Anal is the biggest vector method for HIV and is also a big risk for other infections.
To spare her cross infection don't do anal and then vaginal in the same session. Also be gentle; the anus is fragile.
Otherwise have FUN.
This really could have been condensed to the core question.
I'm not an anal fan, though I have experienced it and can see how to some it's a turn-on. To me , it seems when one has sub tendencies, the experience of anal sex is a sub dream. However, I was also a nurse in long term care for almost 40 years, and when I would have a resident , and it was always women, who suffered from frequent prolapsed rectums, I couldn't help but think that their husbands were brutes who took them anally by force frequently,,hence, making their anus so weak and stretched out that in their old age their rectum prolapsed everytime they took a poop...just sayin'. One guy I dated said he and his old girlfriend did it frequently and she told him later that she could hardly keep from shitting herself every time she farted..lol
That was magically Awesome and Graphic
Thank you for the reply I don't think she's experiencing any unintended consequences. of course the future is unknown, she does seem to drive a lot of pleasure from it. the concept does scare me
@m16566 , a future prolapse victim--lmao.