Passion is easy and has expiration day. And it is difficult to see during the passion period if your partner will be able to handle real life after.
Find a person that you can solve problems together, that can accept and help with failures, that won't start a power contest with you. This will pay on the long term. Or you can jump from passion to passion as our biological instincts demand from us. It is really a matter of choice, the important part is to know what you are choosing.
I agree. Might be harder to find at this age, or harder to open yourself up to, or a little of both. I am not really sure.
I think comfort and security...familiarity...become more important as we get older...there are more things to, finances, retirement, etc.
Passion is wonderful but maybe not is hard to make difficult decisions choosing between passion and security when you are older...and yet...the heart wants what the heart wants and sometimes you have to jump off that cliff...
@MissKathleen yes...but it takes two...
@thinktwice Or three.