I'm struggling a lot lately with a lot of things.
My job has gotten just really stressful and dramatic while we are understaffed and they make no motion to fix it. It's been just hell on all of us and we are all tired of it but they won't hire another person and two of the five of us refuse to do ANY extra or make any adjustments to their own schedules so it falls on the three of us to cover literally everything. It's exhausting and getting really tense between us all and at this point
I really don't want to keep working here. I need to. I know I do. I need to work part time here because they offer insurance still through part time so i can still have coverage while im applying for disability, but still i am so tired of it all.
My incisions still have not begun to heal. I'm growing tired of being able to see down into my stomach, and my hands are getting worse by the day.
I'm just tired all the time now. Physically and emotionally. I just don't want to be here anymore at work and I don't want to deal with any of the drama i just want to heal these stupid holes in my stomach that won't heal
But i can't quit and i can't drop to part time until our 6th team member returns SOMEDAY at this point i don't think she can ever return because she is not healing either. Ive been telling her she needs to just get on disability and work part time like i am going to, but she doesn't want to. But this surgery she had has kept her out for two and a half months already and who knows how long she will be out for.
The worst part is my job has killed the loyalty i once had for it. I don't care about it like i used to. They've overworked me and over-dramaed me to the point where i just don't even care about it here anymore.
But i have to stay because of the insurance coverage for part time. I have to.
Soooo, what kind of surgery did you have?????? Could you apply for SS disability? ? I feel bad for you. Hang in.
I am applying for SS disability. However you have to be working less than a certain amount of hours and it takes over two years to get on
I had a laparoscopic ovary and both fallopian tubes removed
Bro I felt this in the area where my soul would have resided were God real.
I'm lucky in the sense that I can set my own hours. I run my own show that no one really keeps a ton of track on aside from dollar revenue. As long as my job is done, and they see me on occasion, I can pretty much do whatever.
The downside of this is that after being so disillusioned with the company I barely even try. I'll cram eight hours into two, say I'm gonna work from home and then just hang out with my family. There's one day a week I work 8-10 hours and the rest is just coasting. It's killed my productivity, and I keep expecting to get in trouble. The fact that I'm not, and no one has said a word, is actually making it worse.
What I do doesn't matter and it doesn't matter if I do it. I'll continue half-assing until I find somewhere else to go. I've made myself clear about how I feel several times and they just keep bullshitting me.
LA, take care of yourself. I know what it's like to fucking hate your job.
It's not the job I hate. It's the stress and anxiety of not having full staff, of working so much and yet still only getting paid for 40 hours, of flipping from days to nights, of dealing with my coworkers.
The job itself I love
How about them hiring a temp? Your health comes first! Not their problems filling slots.
They refuse. There's a massive shortage of people in the entire hospital