I have great public speaking skills. So at one point I really considered becoming a preacher. Only one motivating factor. I knew I could become a multi millionaire! One thing got in my way. Morals
Lots of History into these Religious Carnival Entrepreneurs of Today. My favorite is Joel Olsteen who has the Christianity of a Snake Oil Salesman and a Congregation to Match. We can then follow the trail onto Jimmy Swaggert, Pat and Tammy whom all reign from the Souther Coalition of Racism, Bigotry and Hatred. I think looking in the Mirror every morning would be more frightening then examing your morals which all of the above haven't a clue about. Morals have nothing to do with religion because they are naturally instilled into logically. Hatred, Bigotry and Racism have to be taught or preached from the stump. Professional Wrestling has a brighter and bigger mirror for whatever that is worth but it is one of the most watched venues on the Media today which tells you how these con a vails exist and the mentality of those who follow. Mister Rogers never preached but was a Minister in real life.
You could always have given it away!
Anyway you obviously didn't have the true 'calling' or you wouldn't have hesitated.