Is it possible for a conservative christian and a athiest to make a marriage work, raise kids and be happy.
My ex found jesus during our marriage and it changed him. He is a fiscally conservative moderate and I had to take everything and the boys.
He no longer saw me as worthy.
He sounds like a dick.
@MrLink wasn’t for 15 years but ended out that way. We are in a great place, that’s what matters.
I know u only from here , and I have to say , he was a moron to let u go . Sorry , Jesus of whatdver, he lost an educated , sharp , kind , a great looking woman . His loss . Hope Jesus is good to him
People who "find" the big j.c are often the worst fanatical ones.
Can any conservative make a marriage work?
Good point!!!! In my experience many of the men who are conservatives on this site are married. The conservative men are usually on the prowl and lead double lives. Note I did not say all conservatives.
@Kojaksmom that's exactly where I was coming from!
Yes. I did it, but then god killed my wife with a brain tumor. True story.
May I share this w my close friends pls ? Not on this site , my close friends in my life ?
@GuyKeith I could see every era and scene on this . I could see u as a litle 7 yr old and then I could hear u saying u were the Satan s priest years later. I could see u and your wife . Your writing is talking to people's minds and hearts . I want my good friend Anna ( she is a nurse practitioner ) to read this . I Frwd to her already . Thank u very much for sharing . U are a diamond .
In my experience not if your values and morals are important to you
Shared values are important in a marriage, especially when raising kids.
It depends on how extreme each person is.
Like, he's just "a little bit" christian, and she's just a little bit atheist?
Forget about the whole con v lib ath (I'm assuming your lib). Those are just words. For the marrige to work it has to be a certain mindset.
I have an atheist friend who is very happily married to a Christian. He considers her beliefs trivial but respects her enough not to try to confront her and she doesn't try to convert him.