Why are theists even here?
Do they think we haven't heard their brain-washed ramblings?
Early man worshipped the Sun
But who did the women worship? The Mother. The Earth, of who's elements we are made. Any time you want to drop using the word " Man" or "Mankind ", feel free. Men do not represent all of humanity.
@ForTheBirds Early man means early men and women.
Yeah. First murder myth in the bible was over religion or veganism.
Was never quite sure about that.
I think the Bible never explained why Cain killed Abel because they thought the answer was too obvious to spell out for the readers. Everybody knew sacrifice involved offering life to God as the price of a continued good realtionship with Him. Cain thought he could get away with vegetables. God told him he was on the wrong track and getter get control of his wrong-thinking before it got complete control over him. Cain didn't do that and went on to kill his brother. Everybody accepts that killing a man is wrong. But we don't know why, in the story, Cain chose not to start sacrificing the way God wanted and took his problems out on his brother.
@brentan I refuse to explain a joke.
@BufftonBeotch Who has asked you to?
@brentan Religion is all bull doody. You might as well worship Mickey Mouse.
@BufftonBeotch I thought that might be your problem. Your problem, OK. Don't try to make it mine.