We are taught and trained to detach from a very young age. Pretty sure it's hard wired by now. I wonder how much different life would be like, if we didn't do that to our boys?
Absolutely true! I have struggled all my life with biologically based depression. It is under control, but that was not always the case. I had little support. My last relationship, I was told to just, "buck up! " She refused to accept it as something I was born with. She on the other hand, is a AGO and refused to confront it much less admit it. She's with a recovering alcoholic now, who seems like a dry drunk and very insecure. But, at the moment, she says she's happy. Looks like she got "daddy lite "
I am fortunate to work with a crew that comes over and expresses their feelings or want to know how you are doing. I have seen my boss in tears multiple times and didn't think twice about hugging him. A majority of men don't show emotions unless it's to prove how manly they are. I have never felt the need to prove myself to anyone.
but... suffering in silence is what we do best.
@NoPlanetB A salient point, but I don’t think the one out a million that goes on a shooting rampage is a good representation of the whole.
All of the men in my life are ok with all of that...
The world is a rich, diverse and plentiful place. And our perceptions are filtered through our subjectivity. In other words, what we look for, we will see.