Trump tweets support for far right activists banned by Facebook. Was Facebook justified? If you agree please check out our Leftists Group.
There is free speech and then there are consequences for threatening to harm, hate speech in the form of inciting to harm others, etc. that IMHO should be banned.
I also have the right to not patronize sites that allow others to bully and engage in hateful threatening diatribes.
These liars and fear mongering a-holes will not be spreading their vile so easily. However, our Dictator, tRump is fighting for them. He never stops his spew of hate speech and lies, now over 10,000 by latest count.
I believe people who are impersonating others (fake accounts), slanderous content and those who promote or call for violence should be banned. Other than that, I am FOR free speech.
Otherwise it is a slippery slope. See examples of left wingers being banned, if we'd like to go down this road of banning people.
Free speech only means the government won't arrest you for speech. All hate speech should be banned, left or right, unless it is directed at trump.
Hate speech toward Trump is understandable. He's a despicable human/peacock.
I am concerned about what will be classified as hate speech, however. Everyone can be triggered and many things can be perceived as hate speech. Speaking badly about religion can fall into that category.
Maybe this site will be banned someday. If someone were to say "I hate Islam" they are speaking about a religion, not making a racist comment. Anyone can convert to Islam.
Yet, this can be considered hate speech and I feel it's no different from hating scientology or Mormonism..
Is this where we want to go?
No free speech violation here... They are free to speak to each other with all that hateful nonsense... Trump is a moron like many of his head in the sand supporters... Monitored by the White House?! Big deal... Paranoid personalities monitor everything...
Spreading hate and other misbehaviors are violations of the terms of service.
I believe in free speech but web sites such as Facebook have a right to preventing their community from being ruined and their site abandoned.
There is always a balance between free speech and slandering, threatening with death, sedition and shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater.