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I am planning a 5 day road trip from my home state of Maryland. One trip going south, and two alternative road trips heading west, to accommodate where the weather forecast is best, as I will be riding my Harley. Can anyone suggest an amazing route, or perhaps some must-see sights, that would help me determine a plan? Thanks much.

billhoo 5 May 4

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Probably should’ve said, will be leaving mid August. I like a little variety in my rides, and avoid very continuous curvy roads.


The Fed and state highways in Georgia are nicely paved and well maintained. You really can't go wrong on any if you choose the ones away ftom the major metro areas. I highly recommend taking 441/23 out of the Smokeys, sticking to 441 through Dillard, GA to Commerce/Banks Crossing. There are several towns along that route for stops.

Athens and Savannah are terrific day trip or over night spots, esp if one wants to avoid Atlanta and Macon. I know of a nearly nonstop road route between the two, if interested.

Zster Level 8 May 4, 2019
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