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US Renewables Made More Electricity Than Coal in April


GuitarDoctor 7 May 5

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But coal miners voted for Trump! Much more important than renewable energy!! Must be supported very bigly!!!!!

As far as this administration is concerned, anyway.

more than 4 million people in the swing states who lost their jobs in the rush of manufacturing leaving the US are unemployed or on disability...they voted for trump and because of the electoral college, got him elected. These are the same 55+ year old white men who can't be retrained to code or don't want to learn. This means they'll vote for him again in 2020 because they don't know what else to do. Other than Andrew Yang, the Dems aren't presenting anybody who is willing to address their needs. [].

@celticagent Who the hell is Andrew Yang? (didn't click link)
Trump didn't actually DO anything to address their needs, other than blame immigrants and foreigners for their problems. Literally anybody else is better.

@Paul4747 he's running for potus in 2020. Got some interesting ideas.

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