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How are so many so blind to trumps corruption?

mikeisit866 3 May 6

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They are blinded with the propaganda of hate and Division. Their frame of reference has already accepted that people are basically sinful. I think that is also why they are so fearful.

They think of the world as a sinful place therefore they accept his transgressions because he also gives them the other things they want.for many that is the illusion of being better than others and for some actually increasing their income.


Because they refuse to open their eyes. They have no clue what he does all day because they don't pay attention. Because if they did pay attention they might have to admit what an idiot he is and therefore what idiots they are for voting for him.

lerlo Level 8 May 7, 2019

As a teacher of 45 years...I think I've learned why there's so many Trump followers...they're pretty much the same mentality (generally not very bright) as the #Religulous; Here's a great cartoon that explains why they're "blind"


"There are none so blind as those who will not see."


Brain atrophy. It's what happens when you don't use it.


Because three-quarters of the US population read and write at a twelve-year old's level, and are thus gullible, and susceptible to Trumplerite propaganda.


Ugh I ask this regularly!....


They were conditioned to ignore facts and believe lies by religion.

My thought exactly. If you can believe in a 2,000 year old comic book, you can believe anything. Plus they have no morality- if your morality is based on a magical being doing the 'judgement,' you yourself have no accountability. If you molest kids (for a crazy example that I'm sure isn't possible), you just ask forgiveness.

@mikeisit866 Yeah, I see the concept of confession and forgiveness as an enabler of sins. You confess get forgiven, and go otu an eddeo it all over again. There are no real consequences for doign wrong, an dhte secrecy of the confessional keeps people form finding out what you did or what you are doing.

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