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As a person of reason, which possibility can you accept?

  1. Holy Mary gave a virgin birth to Jesus without sin, and his father was God, or

  2. A more realistic, rather historical account what must have happened?

  • 10 votes
  • 0 votes
St-Sinner 9 May 6

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A far more logical and likely tale.
Compounded by the Christian church celebrating the feast of the immaculate conception on December 8th. It's not the immaculate conception of Jesus by Mary, it's the immaculate conception of Mary, by her mother! That's right - two immaculate conceptions in succession. (In other words a mother and her daughter both having teenage nookie out of wedlock.)

It's either that or human parthenogenesis, but if that were the case, Jesus was female. (From where would the Y chromosome have come?)


When the truth is the reality!

ha ha, that is brilliant, where did you even find it

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