6 2

‪if many states follow nj and ca in requiring a candidate to provide 5 years of tax returns to be on the ballot and trump doesn’t, he could lose by many millions of votes. If he wins electoral are we going to allow him a win?‬

Charliesey 7 May 6

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I think you will find that it’s going to be adjudicated in federal court. Don’t count on the parlor trick actually working.


This is the best news regarding T.Rump in a long while. Perhaps these laws will be the only positive legacy from his time in office.

Carin Level 8 May 6, 2019

I have read that none of these laws will be through the appeal/supreme Court rulings before Nov 2020

Probably true.

Go straight to SCOTUS on emergency appeal. If not... Trump may be impossible to remove from office until it had been adjudicated.


No find a way around it


That's what the constitution says.

No one seems to give a damn about the constitution lately.


Trouble is, I have to accept the winner of the Electoral College as winning the election.

If I don't then I'm no better than Trump.

@ToolGuy I think a few states already do; but I'm too lazy right now to look it up. (I'm watching Deadpool as I surf.)

@ToolGuy Some are actually looking to give 100% of their votes to the popular vote winner if I recall correctly.

All but two do that so it looks like some of the states have already reformed their laws. Unless I am totally confused....because it looks like the majority already did do that... I am also kind of lazy but will research more & get back to you. Somebody was doing something, that I know! (;

@ToolGuy the more I read, the more confused I get....your turn!

@Carin , that is deliberate. The confusion 😟

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