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‪this man got the medal of honor today!‬

Charliesey 7 May 6

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And your point is ?.

Ive been coveting the Order of the Bath. No one makes a bath like me, steaming, candlelight , soft music, glass of wine and of course bubbles. I've been known to spend an entire week in there.

@MsDemeanour A grand old British honour. I got rid of my bath and only have a shower in the bathroom now, but I intend to get a B&Q inflatable hot tub for the garden so that I can sit and enjoy the Scottish "summer" in comfort.


Is it just me that thinks celebrity sports or singers or actors get enough accolades without getting a medal? Why don't they give it to Joe Blow who's been helping out with the homeless for 20 yrs?


stupid bloody name. I spose his siblings are Llama and Giraffe


He won the presidents medal of freedom. Highest honor given to a civilian. Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Charles Sifford were all golfers who won the medal


I remember there being something in the press that his wife chased him with a golf club and he was hiding in his car. She is probably the one who should get the medal.


I'm finding that as a "no, he did not". Or, at least, as the same odds of trump earning the silver star.



Carin Level 8 May 6, 2019

No he did not. The Medal of Honor is given only for highly courageous military service. He did get another award, but not the Medal of Honor.


Freedom honor is military


Medal of Freedom. Important distinction!


I am disappointed in Tiger for accepting this honor from this President. This is a "see, I like black people" moment heading toward 2020. Pathetic!

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