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Douchebag Von Fuckface (what Bill Maher calls
dtjr), has been subpoenaed by Senate Intel Committee.

The republicans have already started turning on the republican chairman, Senator Richard Burr, of
North Carolina.


Is it too much to hope that the republicans will cannibalize each other to the point where impeachment, conviction and removal could actually happen???

KKGator 9 May 8

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The vulgar nickname for Trump Jr. is funny to me, but then again a name that clever would be funny to me applied to anybody I loathe.....Maher may owe an apology to garden-variety douchebags everywhere for lumping them in with Trump Jr.......

It's actually the nickname given to DJT Jr, by Bill Maher.
He calls Eric, Thurston Shitbag the 3rd.

@KKGator I stand corrected then....


Posted this on Trump Pinata (unless it didn't go through for some reason).


Mueller was put in to investigate Russian involvement in the 2016 election and he found a lot very negative if not criminal activity since trump was put in office.
Collusion is not even a legal thing the gop and mcconnell in particular keep trying to make it about something that is not even a thing.
What is clear is we are fucked unless many members of the gop decide to work for the people, our Constitution and truth and not for trump.

It is clear. We are fucked.

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