7 3

Hard to think of stuff to say. I don't like having to make posts to get points but here I am. 🤷‍♂

Osso 3 May 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Reply to posts you will get the hang of it


Join some groups and reply to posts that already exist...


It's easier just to join in a conversation to start with. Lot's of us still do that, even though we have gone up a few levels.


Don't worry, it's only kinky the first time.


Just find a thread you're interested in and talk with someone. It is hard to just make cold posts.


I’ve made very few posts but engage in the threads and a couple groups. Level 1-6 are easy to achieve. There’s a method to the madness, you’ll understand after a while.


To get ideas, I suggest you read posts under headings on the right:

Health & Happiness

Love & Relationships, etc.

Good luck.

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